Sunday, May 25, 2014

BlogHer Food 2014

I was SUPER lucky to get to go the BlogHer Food conference this year with some other moms (Julie and Janet)!  First off, I am not a 'food' blogger.  I don't tend to put recipes up, but I DO write about our farm, which is a source of food! 

First let me start with how I am associated with your (and my) food:

  1. We raise pigs.  Do you like pork?  Bacon?  Ham?  Yup, we help put those on your plate.
  2. We feed dairy heifers.  These babies eventually grow up to be milkin' mammas!  Do you like milk?  How about ice cream?  I do!
  3. We raise corn and soybeans.  A lot of those plants go to making feed for those animals I mentioned above.  They are also used in a lot of your food: soybean facts & corn facts.

Those are the three main aspects of how my farm is associated with the food that ends up on your plate. 

So, when I signed up for the conference I was pretty intimidated to think that most of the people going to this conference would be a lot more seasoned about food and blogging than this little farm girl.  Even though I was intimidated, I was excited to meet new people! 

Being a part of CommonGround we were able to meet up with some folks that have attended the #CornQuest tour through Iowa Corn in the past.  To get the conversation going, we had these awesome bracelets provided by Iowa Corn! 

Ironically, we sat down to breakfast the first morning, and we met some fellow farmers!!  I was truly amazed of how many farmers were at this conference, and how great EVERYONE at the conference was.  It was a great way to meet new bloggers, get ideas, and connect. 

I am a rookie blogger, and have a lot to learn.  Just like being a farmer, I'm so happy to have some great resources (and new friends) to refer to!  Of course, here are a few pics from the awesome event! 

We did make it to the beach.  It was beautiful.

Tofu and an expensive margarita :)

Miami night life

View from my hotel room.

You are right.  That is the Pioneer Woman.  We are tight.

Have you seen the movie Big?

I ordered a caipirinha, and got a GINORMOUS caipirinha. 
Some new friends.
Some more new friends!
And more new friends! :)

Friday, May 9, 2014

2014 Corn Crop is In!

We finished up corn yesterday afternoon!  It's a really good feeling to know that A.J. got it in.  He had spent the last three days getting very little sleep, and now it's on to beans!  I'm somewhat happy that he got rained out yesterday evening with his first field of beans, because that meant that he was able to come in at a decent time, see the kids, and get to bed early.  This also meant that I got to go to bed early too! :-)
One crop is done and one to go.  There is still a lot to do this spring.  Day by day we will get it done!